Notifications frequently disturb us as we are doing any task. Recently, a friend of mine was complaining about how one of his friends sent him a message and its notification woke him up in the middle of the night. I thought to myself why hadn’t he simply turned off his phone or silenced the notifications from that app in the late night?
Also, I was in church recently, and I saw a person in front of me on his cell phone the entire service. He did not stop texting on his phone from the moment I got there up until the service was over. He was not a youngling either. I do not know why he was texting the whole time, but I felt pity for him; he clearly did not have perception of where he was because of this; he lost out on the experience of being present in his place.
Both these stories reflect the disturbances and interruptions of life that instant notifications often cause.
If we continue paying attention to our notifications as and when they go off, then we will experience five losses that will become regular parts of our lives: