For this post, I link to a TED talk. In this talk the Rev. Billy Graham speaks at TED to philosophers and scientists during the early years of the computer revolution, in 1998, and the talk is short but very profound. It is more relevant today than it was back then. Enjoy!
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Picture © Daniel Hanna
Inspiration is a word we often hear. We may hear it in contexts such as the following: “That speech was inspirational,” “He is an inspiring figure,” “What is your inspiration?” or “He inspired me to follow my dreams.” But what does inspiration really mean?
The word inspiration comes from two Latin words: in + spiration which together mean “breathing into.” The word respiration in English which simply means “to breathe” comes from the same root as inspiration.
Just as it is impossible to live without breathing, it is impossible to live without inspiration. Inspiration must come. The environment you are in is the environment you breathe in. The question is: What type of inspiration is that going to be?